I was revolted when MTV released news that a partition is being passed around for Blue Ivy's hair to be combed, ini??! Like where on earth do people feature in that issue?. You know it boggles me to know that people think they have a say in a public figures business just because they've availed their talents. Truth is, celebrities give a service and based on that service can the general public critique and have an opinion, anything other than that ayinifuni! It has 0% to do with anyone. Let's take Katlego Danke for example who plays Dineo Dlomo on Genrations. Katlego is allegedly 3 months preggies (Hooray for her!- no sarcasm intended) but the pregnancy has made the shift critique from her amazing capabilities to bring the vileness to life to her personal life. People are now more focused on who her baby daddy is and if whether or not they're going to tie the knot or not. My question is; Ningenaphi??! Just because someone avails themselves on a public platform to display their talents does not mean the general public has a say in their personal lives. Did you get that? PERSONAL. Which means it's private and has nothing to do with a second party. I could go on forever about other celebrity dirty laundries that have been dug up by the general public. The reality is, celebrities are human too, they have flaws and personal issues and it is the public's responsibility to respect that.
With the Jay-Z and Solange saga, I was so shocked to find people having a tea topic discussion about it and blowing it completely overboard. I was sitting in one of the cafes on campus having a cuppacino when I overheard a group of girls behind me having a huge gossip session on the issue, you'd swear they were physically there when the incident took place or they know Bey and Jay on a personal level. Ningenaphi? I'm certain if we had to dig up on most of your families we'd be shocked what we'd find. As Angela from 'Why did I get married too' said in one scene "Y'all act like I'm the problem child, let me get some drinks up in y'all and we'll see what's really going down.... Matter of fact, BAR TENDER!! Can I have a few shots over here" as funny as I found that line to be, I also find it very true. Your dirty linen is kept under wraps because you're no celebrity and so you find joy in digging in a celebrities forgetting you have some of your own. Our role as the public is to critique a celebrities work and not her personal/private life. With the Nkandla incident of our president, we had every right to get involved because it had alot to do with our money and it being misused but with Blue Ivy's hair, Solange and Jay-Z or Katlego Danke's pregnancy it has nothing to do with you. It all boils down to this; Do unto others as you'd like them to do to you and finally and most importantly- BHEK'INDABA ZAKHO PLEASE!!
.....AND in other news; Poetry fans get excited!! Janette ikz is in SA!! and tomorrow she'll be performing in Cape Town and because I like things and I'm thee biggest fan, I will be there!! This woman is on fire for the lord and she is absolutely talented and amazing! She'll be with her amazing colleague Ezekiel and together I'm certain will blow the crowd away. Janette Ikz is famous for her "I will wait for you" poem that elevated her popularity status and her "31 to be exact" poem. The show starts at 18:00 and tickets will be R120 at the door (See poster) and to those who can not make it, follow me on instagram: @ntsikamajiba. I'll be sure to upload as much action as I possibly can, and if you will be there, smile and wave at me. Have a safe and blessed weekend everyone!
Lol hahahahahahaha Ya neh