Revolutionary greetings dear reader.... 3 weeks time off gave me time to break free from the crazy world we live in and just have time for myself and not give the slightest hoot about all the irrelevance of some people and things. I'd be lying if I said it's good to be back but hey, since I'm no Pinocchio, my nose won't grow from a lie... so here it goes; It's good to be back! It's even nicer to see that everyone has suddenly become bloggers mhmmm.... Atleast thank me when you get an award for worlds lousiest blog, I'll be more than willing to smile broadly as your inspiration. Anywho, while all you peeps were busy updating world cup scores and and doing facebook commentary like neither of us own TV sets, I was catching up on PVRed episodes of Isibaya, eating like I'm paid to do so and sleeping like an oupa, with occasional lunches with the right people and treating myself to things I like. Moreover I got to reflect and get some much needed soul searching done. I was in awe of how much 3 weeks of relaxation was good for the body and mind. And I was extremely surprised that the "Dirty East" was still a Hollywood wannabe governed by highschool kids with scandals to fill a Daily Sun news paper... some things never change. I was even more surprised at how fake we can be... people walking up to me giving me hugs like we were "sofa'silahlane's" interesting.... BUT I was so surprised to learn a very important fundamental... isigezo doesn't take you anywhere... I was minding my own business at a resturant, waiting for my order when a guy I went to school with and might I add was a complete prick towards me personally, walked up to me and asked me for R5. I didn't even recognize him until he quoted a line from a play I said in a high school. Turns out the grass wasn't so green after all on his side. He's jobless and can't even afford a loaf of bread.
One of my teachers that I hated with a passion once said in highschool "Guys, don't store treasures that won't get you anywhere... your awards blazer and popularity status wont mean a thing when you're in the big world". Too true... The world couldn't give a damn what group you were in highschool, which leadership positions you held and which team you played for. And the very person you were nasty to could be the very same person who buys you a loaf of bread. Ultimately all I'm saying is, never think your "coolness" will matter in the big world. The world couldn't be moved. Infact the moment you leave highschool a new intake of "stars" replace you and you become ancient history. Was also nice bumping into people who pretended they didn't see me... err...Can we stop faking and start being real... honestly, with age should come wisdom and wisdom should whisper realness to us all. Thats my 5c for the day... And thank you for the views... ratings of this blog continue to amaze me and it's all because of YOU!
So you gave the guy R5 right?