For the past month or so I've been in production for a series airing at the end of next year and as I take breather before I get the ball rolling on my next project allow me to have my say on the lack of integrity and DIGNITY in our industry (Entertainment) while many may say, "He's opinionated for a new kid in the block" I say "Allow me to have my say" So on my way from set this afternoon my thoughts wandered to my early childhood, running in the dungeons of my hometown theater as the youngest member of the "Adult Cast" being surrounded by actors who were either making out or having a cigarette and blowing the non-actors with a horrid smoke. I actually used to think it was just East London actors who lacked self respect and dignity but it seems to be the norm everywhere you go so long as you are in the industry. I was horrified at an event where there were many well knowns in the world of Entertainment when I saw them being themselves away from the camera and when I made a comment to a colleague about it and she said "thats showbusiness" really?? I was rather saddened to realize that we've just accepted that the industry is meant to be taboo and filled with raunchy scandals. I went to visit my dentist recently and she asked about the work I was doing and she was like "The industry you're venturing in is filled with drama" even the academics are looking down on it because it's lacking dignity and integrity.
We as artists have almost accepted that it's okay to be known for the dirt and drama. It's sad to see people you've always looked up to behave like unleashed animals in real life. The taboo conducts of our artists is beyond revolting and we just sit back and accept it. I remember my Highschool teacher conversing with my mother at a prize giving tea in my matric year for award winners; "You know ma'am, the headmaster generally does not like giving cultural awards, you know.... artists generally have behavioral problems or funny personalities. They tend to lack discipline". Everybody has something negative to say about artists. Their substance abuse scandals, sex scandals and dramas are just accepted and viewed to be okay. One may argue that the scandals and drama add to the creativity of the arts. If thats the case, there is a serious issue.
Way too serious actually. Very few celebrities and artists are praised for their professionalism and proper conduct even off set. Public figures have a social responsibility. A huge one infact, so many people are looking up to them and it is their right to express themselves and be free but also have a responsibility to make sure that their freedom and expression is examplary. Today, I had the final shoot for this particular series and the director called the cast and crew to urge them to conduct themselves in a proper manner so that it does not give impact negativity before the channel launches it next year. It only means that she (director) is more than aware of the scandals of the industry if that wasn't the case, she wouldn't warn us. I have so much to say about this topic but I am too tired, maybe I'll continue my argument on another sunnier day when the bees are buzzing and the sweet tunes of Mafikizolo are in the background. MAYBE.....Just MAYBE. Until then, artists be it actor, musician, presenter or DJ please... PLEASE restore the dignity in our industry and it can only begin with YOU.
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